I do catch up with news late. I am not sure if I have ever heard about this before but today I learnt that a standup comedian called Munawar Faruqui was jailed for 37 days in India.
It is completely wrong because freedom of speech is an absolute.
If it isn't constitutionally guaranteed it should be. Be it Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or India, it is wrong on a country's part not to provide this basic right to a human being. India has freedom of speech and is much much better than the other two nation's mentioned but it isn't an absolute. There are quite a few caveats when there should be none. ( except probably personal slander?).
But my vent up isnt only restricted to the arrest. Clearly, Arrest was wrong and shouldn't have happened in the first place.
But I also see the left wing portrayed him as something he clearly isn't. He has made very distasteful jokes.
1. He has made a joke on 57 people being burnt alive in a train. When Barkha in an interview with him claimed he has already apologized about this bad incident, he clarified he hasn't apologized but removed it as it made people uncomfortable. He even defends he was only 5 or 6 when this happened, but he was 29 when he narrated and clearly should have realized 57 people being burnt alive ( or a single person or 2000 people killed in riot) is not something to be joked about. Only a psychopath wouldn't know.
2. In another joke of his, he has God Ram using the F word and Goddess Sita using the B word. His defenders says he has made jokes on Islam too. I did look through, there have been Muslim lifestyle jokes but none on Muhammad or anything related to him.
He even stated in an interview about how he is a believer and he will never degrade other's religion because then others could attack his religion.
Except he has degraded other's faith.
Does he have a right to do that? Yes.
But has he been respectful of other's religion as he claims - no.
3. There are also articles about how he has apologized, there has been no apology from his side for the Ram/Sita joke as well.
Do I think he has to apologize? No.
But is it OK for others to claim he has apologized? No.
- "“I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” Evelyn Beatrice( apparently). We all know this.
PS: He has also complained about how he and his family has received death threats. Those bigots now they have to be arrested. Doesnt look like that happened.