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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

It started with Steve jobs official biography that released the september of the year he passed away. I read it probably over night. And it is a book I return to often.

Couple of years later I read 'A regular guy' by his sister Mona Simpson. And even later a memoir by Chrisann Brennan -mother of steve's first daughter. I randomly found it on the display during a library visit.  I might have even read a essay by steve's widow - I am not sure. Early on,  I had found a collection of essays/writings by his daughter online - https://lisabrennanjobs.net/. *

After reading all these,  I remember thinking if somebody has write in that family i, it should be his daughter.

Her book comes out in less than a week.  I might or might not read the book but I will definitely read everything else she will ever write.

* Earlier it just had her writing, now looks like it has suddenly been spruced up.