Gmail turns 15 it seems. If you remember, it was invite only initially - an excellent marketing scheme. People created blog accounts because some bloggers had received an invite. That was the craze. Thanks to well connected friend I got mine, distributed to my family, friends, felt cool and all. Lots of joy. Within a short time, people started getting 50 invites.
Enjoyed the privilege while it lasted.
Few years later, I started receiving emails from this random mama who had a niece in chicago about some good slokas and their meaning. I didnt reply but then brother2 was like shouldnt you atleast let him know.
The mama replied, " can you send it to her?".
The mama replied, " can you send it to her?".
like how?
Then there was MCA student from somewhere in AP. I mean MCA. It wasnt that she was using my email for some spam accounts. All her department emails, job application... whole geographical as well as career movement could possibly be tracked if one is interested but I am not.
There are some older women too. Bank details, travel itineary, ATM withdrawals... it gets worse. It continues till date. On some information that might be needed sometimes I reply. Most people apologize, one nut case screamed because I deserve them apparently!(literally what goes for me)
His absolute logic fail apart, here are two reasons why I receive them.
One, literally no institution in India uses confirmation email. Banks included. Banks usually have information masked* but others happily send the billing details, address, phone number... Waiting for Jathagam now.
Two, my email is exactly my name with intial. So yeah that moment 15 years ago when I was feeling super cool creating the email exactly with my name...( instead of weird numbers or other extra alphabets you are forced to because the username isnt available) means it is up for anybody who shares my name.
On top of that, gmail will ignore some special characters in the email i,e ab@gmail and a_b@gmail is all the same.
So 15 years of gmail, 10+ years of receiving emails of all the sachukichu's of the world anniversary for me.
* Though in a hacker/schemer's hand it would be extremely handy
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